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5 Common Symptoms You May Suffer From Low Testosterone

5 Common Symptoms You May Suffer From Low Testosterone

If you’re like most men of a certain age, you’re probably not feeling as chipper as you once were. In fact, you may feel downright fatigued. Your stamina is much lower, and when you climb into bed, well, your main interest these days is in getting your sleep. Many men attribute these symptoms to aging, just the natural progression as you make your trips around the sun. 

But what if we told you that low energy and libido are not simply a part of aging you must learn to live with? Wouldn’t you like to reclaim some of that energy you’ve lost? Or experience the pleasure of a full sex life again? The vitality you seem to be missing may actually be among the common symptoms of low testosterone. 

Testosterone, the male hormone

Testosterone is considered the male hormone because it’s produced in the testicles. The hormone is what drives puberty in boys, deepening the voice, growing hair, and building muscle mass, among other things. Testosterone is instrumental in the production of sperm.

As you age, testosterone production slows a bit. Although low testosterone, known as low T, is more common in men who are overweight or have diabetes, it can affect all men. Overall, about 2 out of 100 men experience symptoms of low testosterone, which rises with age to half of men who are over 80.

Low testosterone symptoms

Women’s hormonal issues have been in the public eye for years. Many popular talk shows, magazines, and bestsellers have addressed the hormonal imbalances women experience, and as a result, the medical community responded. 

For men, however, it hasn’t been the same. Men are not nearly as forthcoming with their experiences as women, and very few men address their symptoms. But if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it’s quite probable you’re suffering from low T. 

1. Low sex drive

Everyone loses a bit of libido as they age. With men who don’t have sufficient testosterone though, this decline is dramatic. They lose their desire and may experience erectile dysfunction as well. Testosterone is instrumental in achieving and maintaining an erection. These symptoms don’t always go hand in hand and can be related to other causes, so coming in for a checkup will allow us to determine the cause of your issues.

2. Fatigue

If you’ve noticed an extreme drop in your energy levels, and you’d much rather spend quiet evenings on the couch, you may have low T. Men who have low T get adequate amounts of sleep but have a difficult time getting motivated to go out, exercise, or do the things they used to enjoy.

3. Hair loss

Your male pattern baldness could be hereditary, but could also be a result of diminished testosterone. Men with low T also notice decreased body hair and facial hair.

4. Loss of muscle mass and increased body fat

Are your “guns” looking a little less prominent and a bit more flabby? Or do you notice enlarged breast tissue? Both are caused by low T. 

5. Mood changes

It’s not just the ladies who experience mood changes as their hormone levels wane. Low T can significantly affect your mood and your mental capacity. If you’re suffering from an inability to focus, or you feel depressed or have mood swings, it could be your testosterone level.

Let us help you get your life back

At MS Family Medicine Health Care PC, with New York City offices in Rosedale and Garden City, our team of family medicine practitioners, led by medical director Michele Reed, DO, FAAFP, wants to help you experience the vim and vigor of good health well into your golden years. If you think low T may be an issue for you, contact our office and schedule an appointment with one of our providers.

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